focus groups in china
focus groups in china
Blog Article
It used to be that a customer would have the majority of their experiences in the offline world. This is becoming less and less of the case. Polls are showing that the average person in the western world now spends more of their waking hours in the online world than the offline world. It has become important for companies regardless of the industry they operate to release online material via apps, webinars, websites, virtual reality etc Our clients need to understand what is happening during this experience.
We have a selection of specialist tech moderators who are experienced in undertaking market research in China for companies looking to trial out their online materials. For example, we recently worked with an educational app which is looking to teach Chinese kids English. We explained and showed the parents how to operate the app and measured their experiences through a number of metrics including ease of use, like-ability, user interface etc. At the end of the focus groups we were able to understand – how the app was being used, how it could be improved, what they liked, what they thought of the user interface etc
How customers use and interact with technology is becoming increasingly important and Hub of China will continue to be the leading provider of market research of the user experience in China
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